Section 4 Understanding Salvation - 13 The Mystery That Is Mary, Mother Of God

countries for hundreds of years, and Ann, which was originally the English spelling “.3

Question: How is it possible that you were certain that Mother Mary would be born? You said that you know every possible circumstance that could take place and their probability, but that a person’s destiny is not defined. So, there was a chance that in Mother Mary’s genealogy someone would not be born and consequently neither would Mother Mary

God’s answer:

I timed it just right. Every life was accounted for in advance. It was like clockwork. Nothing was left to chance.

In summary, God chose the Israelites because Mary, the first one who would have no original sin, would be born to their race, and consequently, so would He, Jesus Christ. As God said, the birth of one without original sin is “not a planned pregnancy”. So, the Jews were chosen because Mary was to be born a Jew and not that God chose Mary to be born a Jew.

This is why it is to them that He revealed Himself as the true God, all the way from Abraham (the beginning of their ancestry), in preparation for His coming as Jesus Christ.

The book of Matthew traces Jesus genealogy to David, through Saint Joseph. Here, God clearly states that Mary was the direct descendant of David that He spoke of, through which the Messiah would be born. This is the correct way to trace the genealogy since it was a woman (mother of the redeemer) who was promised to Adam and Eve.

Why is it important that the Mary should have no original sin? This will be discussed later


Question: Is what I have just said correct, Mother Mary was born a Jew because St. Anne was the first woman to produce a sinless ovum?

God’s answer:

Chance of a lifetime
It’s what I have been waiting for.
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